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You will have a trustee that will manage your bankruptcy Before you apply for bankruptcy, you can choose a registered trustee to administer your bankrupt estate. If you do not choose a registered trustee AFSA may seek the consent of a registered trustee to manage your bankruptcy. If a registered trustee does not provide their consent to act, then your estate will initially be administered by the Official Trustee (AFSA).

Bankruptcy may affect your income, employment and business If you earn over a set amount, you may need to make compulsory payments to your trustee. There may also be some restrictions on your employment and running a business.

Bankruptcy does not release you from all debts Most unsecured debts are covered in bankruptcy - this means you no longer have to repay these debts. There are some exceptions.

It affects your ability to travel overseas. You must request permission from your trustee to travel overseas. It's an offence to travel overseas without consent in writing. Your trustee may ask for further details to consider your request.

Broaden Legal Australian Sydney Chinese Civil Litigation Lawyers have extensive experience in representing both sides - creditor and debtor, and have good relationship with multiple bankruptcy trustees.
