Family/Criminal Law Firm of the Year
We only practise in our specialised areas. Our goal is to achieve the best result for you. Our fees are reasonable and transparent. Every bill is an itemized bill. We tell you the truth about your prospect of success and the costs involved right from the start. If your case has reasonable chance to settle we will facilitate settlement according to your instructions.

We focus on dispute resolution and litigation in the following areas

Y Liu

Y Li

Q Liu


C Wang
J Fang

L Wang

N Shi

S Zhang

J Zhu

U Stone

H Pan
J Shen

S Ya

F Xue

Sean Li
Principal Solicitor
Andrea Song
Principal Solicitor
Harper Han
Vivian Yu
Wentao Zhou
Hailey Liu
Ruby Zhang
律师助理Why Choose Us
Reasonable charges
Our fees are reasonable and transparent. Every bill is an itemised statement. We tell you the truth about your chances of winning and your costs from the start. If your case is likely to settle we will try to facilitate a settlement to save money and time.

Specialised Team of Lawyers
We only practise in our specialised areas. We have true experience in court final hearing/jury trials. We have long term collaborative relationship with many senior/King's counsel(some of which became judges)and junior counselwith great potential.

Professional commitment
Our goal is to fight for your best interests. We will not throw your case to an inexperienced solicitor. Our principal solicitor will personally handle your case. Email or WeChat us and we will endeavour to respond within 24 hours.

家庭法是一个非常专业的领域,如果婚姻状况或者同居关系发生变化,您在考虑分居和离婚,或者怀疑对方在考虑分居,离婚,分财产时,请务必咨询专业的家庭法律师(离婚律师)。您的律师应该有大量上庭经验才能根据对未来的预测给您指定现在的最佳方案。您的机会只有不多的几次,您做的每一件事情都可能对最后结果有着致命的影响。您在这个非常情绪化的时刻所做的一切都会影响您的事情在未来的进展方式,不要做任何您会后悔的事情。 博通律师事务所有最专业的的家庭法律师(离婚律师),刑事辩护律师,和民商事诉讼律师。博通悉尼还是获奖的家庭法和刑法律师事务所。博通律师在悉尼各级法院(前家庭法院,现联邦巡回与家庭法院,和新南威尔士州最高法院等)有大量的出庭胜利经验。无论是分居,申请离婚,分配财产,争夺抚养权,还是申请赡养费和抚养费,博通律师团队都拥有丰富的谈判和上庭经验并真正理解在这个困难时期对您来说重要的事情。 博通家庭法律师(离婚律师)会用您能理解的简单语言为您讲解澳大利亚家庭法(婚姻法)的原则和提供实用的建议。并致力于以具有成本效益尽量降低律师费的方式来处理您的问题。 博通家庭法律师(离婚律师)会尊重您的隐私,严格保密,并以应有的谨慎和敏感度处理您关于分居,离婚,分财产,抚养权,赡养费和抚养费等相关问题。
For better or for worse, a family law solicitor (divorce lawyer) in Broaden Legal will tell you what happened and tell you what else you can do. Changing lawyers is easier than you think. If you feel that:
1. Your solicitor is not an solicitor (divorce lawyer) who specializes in family law;
2, Your lawyer lack court experience or trial experience.
3. your case does not have a well-thought-out strategy.
4, your solicitor does not understand your case and is not prepared to go to court.
5, your current solicitor is a friend of the other side.
6. your opinion is not considered seriously by your solicitor.
7, Your case is not progressing, Your solicitor's fees are not transparent and are always over budget.
You should consider changing solicitors, and if you currently have a solicitor but you don't know your strategy, then this should be a wake-up call. Developing a strategy is key to your success. Your family law file belongs to you, not your solicitor. If you have paid all of your bills, they must hand over documents related to your case. Remember, you only get one chance to divide property and fight for custody, and once the court makes a final order or a legally binding agreement is signed, it is usually too late.
You may be very nervous about changing attorneys once the family law process has begun. You may think that no one knows your case better than your current family law attorney because they have been with you from the beginning. But the truth is that your family law case and details are all in your file. When you change attorneys, your file will be transferred to your new family law attorney (divorce attorney). To minimize your worries, Broadcom Family Law Attorneys (Divorce Lawyers) will not charge you to read the documents that have been generated No one knows the facts of your case better than you do, so if any information is needed, you yourself are the best source for that information.
You can call and seek the advice of our expert family law solicitors (divorce lawyers). We offer a free phone discussion to see if we can help you. So even if it is just for your own peace of mind, it is worth giving us a call. We will charge a consultation fee for meeting for a consultation after the phone call. However, we do not charge for the reading of documents and papers provided to us by your previous solicitor (or by you) so that we can expedite the processing of your question Timely Consultation.
You need expert guidance. We know all the tricks of the trade in family law property division and custody battles as well as the various avenues of negotiation and depositions. Our goal is to get the best possible outcome for you. The first thing we do is develop a strategy based on your claims and best interests. For example, if your need is to prove that the other party has transferred a significant amount of property so that all Australian assets should go to you, or to keep a particular house, or to enable a child to continue to reside with you, we will build our strategy around getting that outcome for you. We work with you and we firmly believe that clear communication in the first instance can save you money and time.
Broaden Legal's criminal lawyers (criminal defense lawyers) may be among the most experienced and fluent Chinese-speaking criminal lawyers in Sydney. Ms. Andrea Song has participated in and conducted dozens of major criminal trials in Sydney, including several jury trials. Lawyer Song has prior experience as a prosecutor. She has successfully obtained rare court judgments in Sydney, compelling the prosecution (prosecutors, police) to compensate our clients for legal fees.
In dozens of jury trials conducted by our criminal lawyers (criminal defense lawyers) at Broaden Legal, we have obtained most acquittals, including drug trafficking, sexual assault (aggravated), death by dangerous driving and kidnapping, among other major crimes. Sydney Chinese criminal lawyers (criminal defense lawyers) we are very experienced in dealing with investigations. The criminal lawyers (criminal defense lawyers) at Broaden Legal are also experienced in assisting you with investigations. We have successfully assisted clients with major bank fraud investigations resulting in the dismissal of investigations against our clients.
Other than serious indictable offense, the team of criminal solicitors at Broaden Legal Law Firm are experienced in handling other Local Court cases, such as domestic violence charges (AVO/ADVO), possession and sale of small amounts of drugs, common assault, assault with injury, burglary, assault and battery, assault and battery restraining order proceedings, and traffic law cases.
Our goal is to obtain the best possible outcome for our clients and never give up on the possibility of obtaining a not guilty verdict or a clean record. We also specialize in psychological/mental health applications at all court levels. Psychological/mental health applications are special applications in the criminal courts and once successful, clients are dealt with under special psychological/psychiatric related laws and are not left with any criminal record. This application is a quicker and fairer route to criminal law for criminal defendant clients suffering from mental/psychiatric illnesses. S14 (formerly known as S32) Mental Health Act applications are a specialty of Broaden Legal's criminal solicitors (criminal defense lawyers). Andrea Song has appeared in dozens of hearings and obtained S14 convictions - exonerating our clients of criminal charges and no recorded convictions.
There are two options: ask the Supreme Court to invalidate the Will, or ask the Supreme Court to change the Will so that you receive a portion of your estate. Getting the Supreme Court to invalidate a will can be done by proving that the person who made the will lacked testamentary capacity, that the person who made the will was pressured by someone else to make the will, or that there was undue influence.
Getting the court to order that I should receive a portion of the estate can be done by proving that you are a: husband or wife, child, de facto partner, grandchild, member of a family who was dependent on the deceased for financial support, lived with the deceased at a particular time and was dependent on the deceased for financial support, ex-wife or ex-husband. A person who has a close personal relationship. If you are able to prove that you are one of the above types of people, then only then can you proceed to the next step. You must then prove to the court that the will does not provide you with adequate distribution.
In deciding whether a portion of the estate should be paid to you, the court must take into account, among other things, the nature of the relationship between you and the deceased, the nature and extent of the deceased's duties and responsibilities to you, the nature and extent of the deceased's estate, your financial situation and, if you were living with another person, that person's financial situation, your physical, mental or intellectual disability, your age, your contribution to the deceased's estate, whether or not you were living with another person, and whether or not you were a close personal friend of the deceased. the deceased person's estate, whether financial or otherwise, whether the deceased person had made provisions for you prior to their death, whether the deceased person told you they would leave something to you but in the end did not do so, whether the deceased person maintained you during your life, in whole or in part, your character and behaviour before and after the death of the deceased person, and any other matters the court deems relevant.
Broaden Legal Lawyers (Will Estate Lawyers) can fight for you to get the distribution of your estate that you deserve.
Did you know that if you do not have a valid will or estate plan, it can result in the following:
1. your descendants incur tens of thousands of dollars additional legal fees in dealing with your estate.
2. disputes between your children or family members can result in hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees and broken relationships.
3. your estate passes directly to your children and is then divided by daughters-in-law and sons-in-law in divorce and family law proceedings.
Broaden Legal is located in Sydney CBD. We are ready to help you to avoid the above risk. If you feel that the will is unfair to you, we have court experience and can assist you in your family provision claim.
Wills and estates are governed by the estate planning laws of each state and territory in Australia. In New South Wales, estate planning includes: Wills, Powers of Attorney and Enduring Powers of Guardianship.