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It is a good idea to try to resolve or settle a dispute without going to court. Court cases take time and cost money.

You can try to resolve your dispute by negotiating directly with the other party.

If you need help, you could arrange for an independent person to assist you both through a process called 'mediation'. If you reach an agreement, you should put it in writing.

If you settle (resolve) your dispute without going to court, here are some of the benefits:

• Time

It can take months for your matter to be finalised at court. You will also have to make time to prepare for and attend court.

• Money

If you start a case at court and you lose, the court will usually order you to pay the costs of the other party. These are called 'professional costs' or 'legal costs'. Likewise, if you choose to defend a case at court and you lose, the court will usually order you to pay legal costs.

Even if you win the case and the court orders the other party to pay your costs, this might not cover all of your expenses. For example, you won't be able to claim back wages you lost because you had to attend court and couldn't work.

• Stress

Going to court can be stressful, especially if you don't have a lawyer to sort out the paperwork and do the talking in court. Before going to court, it is a good idea to think about the impact that a court case will have on you personally and whether it is worth the stress.

• Uncertainty

如果您去法院,法官或评估员将根据提供的证据做出决定。法官或评估员在将法律应用于事实并权衡证据时会行使自己的判断。如果您和对方在不去法院的情况下达成协议,那么对结果的不确定性就会减少。 博通律师事务所的澳洲悉尼华人民事诉讼律师熟悉不同种类的替代争议解决方法,如谈判和调解博通澳洲悉尼的华人律师都有丰富的经验。我们可以帮助您节省时间和金钱,而不必诉诸法庭。

来源:新南威尔士州法律援助(Legal Aid)